Real Potential

Had another visit from our Guide dog Mobility Instructor today to do the route to the leisure centre which we hadn’t done on Monday. I have to take back what I said about a medical centre with poor access as, just past the road where I used to approach it from, there is another turning which leads almost directly there. Jasmine and I learnt that way in about 10 minutes and I’m confident that we’ll have no problems with that route.

Normally jasmine has been shown new routes on the lead first, then in harness. Tonight,however, we decided to continue the walk in harness with me directing Jasmine. She worked brilliantly, even picking out the obvious way around some bollards and a slightly awkward pavement that doesn’t really follow the straight line. She seemed so confident and our instructor was very pleased with the way we’ve progressed in the last few weeks.

I’m so chuffed with her, she’s shown bags of potential today.

Tomorrow its our first train journey together.

About Mel Griffiths

I live and work in Nottingham, England and am blind. This blog is often centred around things that happen to me because of being blind. This is my space to write and sometimes people will disagree with what I write, but its the one place I have in which to be frank and honest. I also like to reflect on the funnier side of life from time to time.
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2 Responses to Real Potential

  1. welshgeordie says:

    Very cool!
    Well done you two! You really do make a great team, it’s great to see you guys doing so well. Jasmine sounds like one awesome puppy. Keep up the great work and good luck with the train journey tomorrow–though it sounds as if you don’t need it. So better yet, have fun!

  2. fleurette67 says:

    Glad yesterday went well
    Hi Mel! I’m very glad to read here that Jasmine worked so well on the new route you took her on, and that she is getting more and more confident, including showing her initiative by working out a not-exactly-straight route herself. Here’s hoping that she works just as well when you take her on the train today for the first time!

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